Web Editor

This tool allows you to quickly build your weightlifting programs, ensure you have proper weekly volume per muscle group, and balance it with the time you spend in a gym. You can build multi-week programs, plan your mesocycles, deload weeks, testing 1RM weeks, and see the weekly undulation of volume and intensity of each exercise on a graph.

Set the program name, create weeks and days, type the list of exercises for each day, putting each exercise on a new line, along with the number of sets and reps after slash (

) character, like this:

Squat / 3x3-5 Romanian Deadlift / 3x8

Autocomplete will help you with the exercise names. You can also create custom exercises if they're missing in the library.

On the right you'll see Weekly Stats, where you can see the number of sets per week per muscle group, whether you're in the recommended range (indicated by color), strength/hypertrophy split, and if you hover a mouse over the numbers - you'll see what exercises contribute to that number, and how much.

The exercise syntax supports RPEs , percentage of 1RM, rest timers, various progressive overload types, etc. Read more about the features in the docs!

When you're done, you can convert this program to Liftosaur program, and run what you planned in the gym, using the Liftosaur app!

To use this program:
  • Install Liftosaur app
  • Copy the link to this program by clicking on below
  • Import the link in the app, on the Choose Program screen.
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///***Muscle Group IDs***/
/// 01 => Chest
/// 02 => Triceps
/// 03 => Back
/// 04 => Biceps
/// 05 => Calves
/// 06 => Quads
/// 07 => Hamstrings
/// 08 => Side Delts
/// 09 => Abs
/// 10 => Glutes

/// Full tag is created by combining digits from:
/// Day (1-2 digits) & Muscle Group ID (2-digits) & Index (2 digits, 0-based)
/// to create 5-6 digit long unique tag.
/// Ex:
/// 3 Quads exercises on day 4 would have tags:
/// 40600, 40601, 40602
/// 4 => 4th day of week
/// 06 => Quads Muscle Group ID
/// 00, 01, 02 => Index of exercise for muscle group in that day

///*****PROGRAM LOGIC*****///
tLogic: Squat[1-3] / used: none / 10+x5 86.53% / warmup: 1x10 50%, 1x6 75%, 1x3 90% / update: custom() {~
/// Minimum reps for any set to be in the hypertrophy range (based on RP
/// guidelines of about 5-30 reps between 3-0 RIR for hypertrophy as of
/// early 2024)
var.MIN_HYP_REPS = 2

/// Automatic down sets variables
var.AUTO_DOWN_SET_MODE_DISABLED = 0 /// Don't create any down sets
var.AUTO_DOWN_SET_MODE_HYP = 1 /// Create when near bottom of hypertrophy rep range (defined as var.MIN_HYP_REPS+1)
var.AUTO_DOWN_SET_MODE_TARGET = 2 /// Create when at bottom of target rep range (i.e. state.targetMinReps)
var.AUTO_DOWN_SET_PERCENTAGE = 0.80 /// Percentage of last completed set working weight to use for down set

//Conventional or sumo: use whatever stance you are stronger with
Deadlift, Barbell[1,1-2] / ...tLogic: Squat / 250lb / id: tags(21000) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 110, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Quick 1 second pause on the chest on each rep
Bench Press, Barbell[2,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 150lb / id: tags(20100) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 101, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//1 second isometric hold at the top of each rep
Hip Abductor, Cable[3,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 20lb / warmup: nonesqu/ id: tags(21300) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 15, targetMaxReps: 20, startNumSets: 3, type: 2, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 713, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**Weighted** 1.5x shoulder width grip, pull your chest to the bar
Pull Up[4,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 205lb / id: tags(21200) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 5, targetMaxReps: 8, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 103, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Lower the weight by bending only your elbows, keeping your upper arms steady, and focus on fully extending your triceps at the top.
Skullcrusher, Barbell[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 60lb / warmup: none / id: tags(20200) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 10, targetMaxReps: 12, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 802, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//1-2 second pause at the bottom of each rep, **FULL ROM**
Standing Calf Raise, Barbell[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / warmup: none / id: tags(20500) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 8, targetMaxReps: 10, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 705, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Maintain tight pressure in your upper back against the bar
Squat, Barbell[1,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / id: tags(30600) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 106, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//*Weighted** Lower yourself with control until your elbows are at 90 degrees, then push back up, keeping tension on your triceps throughout
Triceps Dip[2,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 150lb / id: tags(31000) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 8, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 201, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Knees to chest, controlled reps,straighten legs more to increase difficulty
Hanging Leg Raise[3,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 0lb / / id: tags(30900) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 10, targetMaxReps: 12, startNumSets: 3, type: 2, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 109, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Keep your arms slightly bent, and pull the weight over your chest using your lats, maintaining control through the full range of motion.
Lat Pull-over[4,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 25lb / id: tags(30300) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Do each are one at a time rather than alternating, start with weaker arm
Incline Curl, Dumbbell[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 30lb / warmup: none / id: tags(30400) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 2, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 104, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Retract shoulder blades as you pull
Face Pull[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / warmup: none / id: tags(30301) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 10, targetMaxReps: 12, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 203, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 2, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**PAUSE** 3 second pause right after the plates come off the ground.
Pause:Deadlift, Barbell[1,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / id: tags(41000) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 2, targetMaxReps: 4, startNumSets: 4, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 310, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**PAUSE** 2-3 second pause on the chest
Pause:Bench Press, Barbell[2,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 150lb / id: tags(40100) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 301, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Pull the handles toward your chest while keeping your back straight and shoulders retracted to target your upper back and lats.
Chest Supported Row, Cable[3,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 30lb /warmup:none / id: tags(41200) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 10, targetMaxReps: 12, startNumSets: 3, type: 2, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 303, rateGroup: 812, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Lower your body slowly by hinging at the knees while keeping your torso straight, using your hamstrings to control the descent and pull yourself back up.
Nordic Curls[4,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 0lb / warmup:none / id: tags(40700) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 6, targetMaxReps: 8, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 107, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Lift your shoulders straight up toward your ears, squeezing your traps hard at the top, and lower them back down with control.
Shrug, Dumbbell[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 40lb / warmup: none / id: tags(41100) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 20, targetMaxReps: 25, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating+: 0, rateGroup: 811, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 3, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 2, targetRpe: 8, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Brace your lats, chest tall, pull the slack out of the bar before lifting
Lower1:Deadlift, Barbell[1,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / id: tags(51000) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 5, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 410, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Sit back onto the box with a wide stance, keeping your chest up and knees out, then drive through your heels to stand back up.
Box Squat, Barbell[2,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 150lb / id: tags(50600) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 4, targetMaxReps: 8, startNumSets: 2, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 306, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Curl your heels toward your glutes by contracting your hamstrings, then lower the weight back down with control.
Lying Leg Curl, Leverage Machine[3,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 70lb / warmup:none / id: tags(50700) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 6, targetMaxReps: 8, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 407, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//1-2 second pause at the bottom of each rep, full squeeze at the top
Lower1:Standing Calf Raise, Barbell[4,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / warmup:none / id: tags(50500) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 8, targetMaxReps: 10, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 205, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Knees to chest, controlled reps, straighten legs more to increase difficulty
Lower1:Hanging Leg Raise[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 0lb / id: tags(50900) / warmup:none / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 10, targetMaxReps: 12, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 309, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Set up a comfertalbe arch, slight pause on the chest, eplode up
Upper1:Bench Press, Barbell[1,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 135lb / id: tags(60100) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 4, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 301, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Underhand grip, pull your chest to the bar, add weight if needed to hit RPE
Chin Up, Bodyweight[2,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 0lb / warmup:none / id: tags(61200) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 5, targetMaxReps: 10, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

// Squeeze your glutes to keep your torso upright, press up and slightly back
Upper1:Overhead Press, Barbell[3,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 90lb / id: tags(60800) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Lie on incline bench, dow row - pull with lats
Incline Row, Dumbbell[4,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 40lb / warmup:none / id: tags(61201) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 412, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 2, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**A1 SuperSet** Retract shoulder blades as you pull
A1-Upper1:Face Pull[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 20lb / warmup:none / id: tags(60300) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 15, targetMaxReps: 20, startNumSets: 2, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 303, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**A2 SuperSet** Arc the dumbbells out, mind-muscle connection with middle fibers
Lateral Raise, Dumbbell[6,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 20lb / warmup:none / id: tags(60801) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 15, targetMaxReps: 20, startNumSets: 2, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 108, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**B1 SuperSet** Pin your elbow against your upper leg or the back of a bench
Concentration Curl, Dumbbell[7,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 30lb / warmup:none / id: tags(60400) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 2, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 304, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**B2 SuperSet** Squeeze tricepts to move the weight
Triceps Pushdown, Cable[8,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 30lb / id: tags(60200) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 202, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 2, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Sit back and down, keep your upper back tight to the bar
Lower2:Squat, Barbell[1,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / id: tags(70600) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**Wide Grip** Mind-muscle connection with hamstrings
Lower2:Romanian Deadlift, Barbell[2,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 135lb / id: tags(71000) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 5, targetMaxReps: 10, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 510, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Mind muscle connection with hamstrings
Leg Extension, Leverage Machine[3,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 90lb / warmup:none / id: tags(70601) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 506, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 2, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Emphasize mind muscle connection
Lower2:Standing Calf Raise, Barbell[4,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 185lb / warmup:none / id: tags(70500) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 15, targetMaxReps: 20, startNumSets: 4, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 505, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Point toes slightly outward, mind-muscle connection with glutes
Lower2:Hip Abductor, Cable[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 15lb / warmup:none / id: tags(713000) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 15, targetMaxReps: 20, startNumSets: 3, type: 2, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 213, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Think about squeezing your upper and lower abs together
Lower2:Cable Crunch, Cable[6,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 60lb / warmup:none / id: tags(70900) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 509, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

Error: Syntax error (11:204)
//Press the bar or dumbbells upward from your chest at an incline, keeping your elbows slightly tucked and controlling the descent
Incline Bench Press, Barbell[1,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 135lb / id: tags(80100) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 10, targetMaxReps: 12, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 601, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//Be mindful of lower back fatigue, stay light, minimize cheating
Pendlay Row, Barbell[2,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 100lb / id: tags(81200) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 8, targetMaxReps: 10, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**weighted** Lower yourself with control until your elbows are at 90 degrees, then push back up, keeping tension on your triceps throughout.
Upper2:Triceps Dip[3,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 0lb / id: tags(80200) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 3, targetMaxReps: 6, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**Eccentric-accentuated** 3 second negitive on every rep, maintain controlled form for all reps
Lower2:Pull Up, Bodyweight[4,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 0lb / id: tags(81201) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 5, targetMaxReps: 10+, startNumSets: 2, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 0, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 0, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**A1 SuperSet** Lie face down against an incline bench and do shrugs - Full ROM and squeeze
Incline shrug[5,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 50lb / warmup:none / id: tags(81100) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 15, targetMaxReps: 20, startNumSets: 2, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 411, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**A2 SuperSet** Pull the cable handle upward toward your chest, keeping your elbows high and controlling the movement to target your shoulders and traps.
Upright Row, Cable[6,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 40lb / warmup:none / id: tags(81202) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 15, targetMaxReps: 20, startNumSets: 2, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 612, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 2, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

//**B1 SuperSet** Focus on mind-muscle connection
Bicep Curl, EZ Bar[7,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 65lb / warmup:none / id: tags(80400) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 12, targetMaxReps: 15, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 604, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }
//**B2 SuperSet** Constant tension on tricepts
Upper2:Skullcrusher, Barbell[8,1-3] / ...tLogic: Squat / 60lb / id: tags(80201) / update: custom() { ...tLogic: Squat } / progress: custom(increment: 5lb, progressType: 2, targetMinReps: 8, targetMaxReps: 10, startNumSets: 3, type: 1, deloadWeightRatio: 0.6, deloadRepsRatio: 1, deloadSetsRatio: 1, rating: 0, rateGroup: 602, ratingIndex: 0, numRatingExercises: 1, lastIncrement: 5lb, numSets: 4, setsModifier: 0, mesoWeek: 3, targetRpe: 9, autoDownSetMode: 1) { ...tLogic: Squat }

Week Stats

Total Sets: 420
Strength Sets: 420, 100%
Hypertrophy Sets: 0, 0%
Upper Sets: 210 (210s), 5d
Lower Sets: 160 (160s), 6d
Core Sets: 40 (40s), 4d
Push Sets: 100 (100s), 5d
Pull Sets: 150 (150s), 6d
Legs Sets: 130 (130s), 5d
Shoulders: 105↓ (105s), 5d
Triceps: 60↓ (60s), 5d
Back: 145↓ (145s), 7d
Abs: 85↓ (85s), 6d
Glutes: 130↓ (130s), 6d
Hamstrings: 90↓ (90s), 6d
Quadriceps: 75↓ (75s), 6d
Chest: 70↓ (70s), 5d
Biceps: 65↓ (65s), 5d
Calves: 85↓ (85s), 6d
Forearms: 70↓ (70s), 6d