This tool allows you to quickly build your weightlifting programs, ensure you have proper weekly volume per muscle group , and balance it with the time you spend in a gym . You can build multi-week programs, plan your mesocycles, deload weeks, testing 1RM weeks, and see the weekly undulation of volume and intensity of each exercise on a graph.
Set the program name, create weeks and days, type the list of exercises for each day, putting each exercise on a new line, along with the number of sets and reps after slash (
/ ) character, like this:
Squat 3x3-5
Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Autocomplete will help you with the exercise names. You can also create custom exercises if they're missing in the library.
On the right you'll see Weekly Stats , where you can see the number of sets per week per muscle group, whether you're in the recommended range (indicated by color), strength/hypertrophy split, and if you hover a mouse over the numbers - you'll see what exercises contribute to that number, and how much.
The exercise syntax supports RPEs , percentage of 1RM , rest timers, various progressive overload types, etc. Read more about the features in the docs !
When you're done, you can convert this program to Liftosaur program, and run what you planned in the gym, using the Liftosaur app !
To use this program:
Install Liftosaur app Copy the link to this program by clicking on below Import the link in the app, on the Choose Program screen. Week 1
Week 2
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Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9 - Deload Week
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Week Stats Total Sets: 66
Strength Sets: 3, 5%
Hypertrophy Sets: 63, 95%
Core Sets: 6 (3s , 3h ), 2d Glutes: 26↓ (2s , 24h ), 4d Hamstrings: 18↓ (18h ), 3d Quadriceps: 20↓ (2s , 18h ), 4d {"maxWidth":2400,"url":"/planner"}
{"exportedProgram":{"customExercises":{"beixwyff":{"types":["pull","upper"],"isDeleted":false,"smallImageUrl":"","meta":{"synergistMuscles":["Trapezius Lower Fibers","Trapezius Middle Fibers","Trapezius Upper Fibers","Infraspinatus","Teres Major","Teres Minor"],"targetMuscles":["Deltoid Posterior"],"bodyParts":[],"sortedEquipment":[]},"largeImageUrl":"","name":"Rear Delt Row, Barbell","id":"beixwyff"}},"program":{"planner":{"name":"Thinner Leaner Stronger (5-day) Phase 5","weeks":[{"name":"Week 1","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":"t: Lunge[1-8] / used: none / 3x6-8 / 70% / @8+ / 180s / warmup: none / update: custom() {~\nif (week != 9) {\n if (setIndex > 0) {\n //state.failure = 0\n for (var.i in completedReps) {\n if (var.i <= setIndex && (completedReps[var.i] < minReps || (completedReps[var.i] == minReps && completedRPE[var.i] > RPE))) {\n if (state.failure < 3) {\n state.failure += 1\n }\n } else if (var.i <= setIndex && (completedReps[var.i] >= reps && completedRPE[var.i] <= RPE)) {\n if (state.failure > 0) {\n state.failure -= 1\n }\n }\n }\n if (state.failure < 1 && (completedReps[setIndex] >= reps && completedRPE[setIndex] <= RPE)) {\n weights = weights[setIndex] + state.increment\n } else if (state.failure < 3 && (completedReps[setIndex] < minReps || (completedReps[setIndex] == minReps && completedRPE[setIndex] > RPE))) {\n weights = weights[setIndex] - state.increment/2\n } else {\n weights = weights[setIndex]\n }\n }\n }\n~} / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) {~\nif (week != 9) {\n rm1 = calculate1RM(weights[numberOfSets], completedReps[numberOfSets]) * rpeMultiplier(1, completedRPE[numberOfSets])\n if (state.failure < 1 && (completedReps[numberOfSets] >= reps && completedRPE[numberOfSets] <= RPE)) {\n weights = weights[numberOfSets] + state.increment\n } else if (state.failure < 3 && (completedReps[numberOfSets] < minReps)|| (completedReps[numberOfSets] == minReps && completedRPE[numberOfSets] > RPE)) {\n weights = weights[numberOfSets] - state.increment/2\n } else {\n weights = weights[numberOfSets]\n } \n }\n~}\n\nt: Crunch[1-8] / used: none / 3x6+ / 120s / warmup: none / progress: custom(start:6, target: 30, weeks:8, increment: 2.5kg) {~\n if (completedReps <= {\n if (completedReps >= reps) {\n reps += round((( - state.start) / state.weeks))\n }\n }\n else {\n reps = state.start\n weights += state.increment\n }\n~}\n\nt: Plank[1-8] / used: none / 3x10+ / 120s / warmup: none / progress: custom(mintime:10, targettime: 120, increment: 5, variation:1) {~\n descriptionIndex = state.variation\n if (completedReps >= reps) {\n reps += state.increment\n }\n if (descriptionIndex == 1 && completedReps > state.targettime) {\n reps = state.mintime\n state.variation = 2\n descriptionIndex = state.variation\n }\n~}\n\nprimary: Squat[1-9] / used: none / 3x6-8 / 70% / @8+ / 180s / warmup: 1x10 50%, 1x4 70%\naccessory: Squat[1-9] / used: none / 3x8-10 / 75% / @9+ / 120s / warmup: none\ncore: Squat[1-8] / used: none / 3x6+ (AMRAP) / @10 / 120s / warmup: none\n\n// [Barbell Squat Video](\nfirst: Squat[1,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Barbell Romanian Deadlift Video](\nRomanian Deadlift, Barbell[2,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / warmup: none / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Leg Press Video](\nSeated Leg Press[3,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Dumbbell Lunge, In-Place Video](\nLunge, Dumbbell[4,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }"},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":"// [Barbell Bench Press Video](\nBench Press[1,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Incline Barbell Bench Press Video](\nIncline Bench Press[2,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / warmup: none / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Dumbbell Bench Press Video](\nBench Press, Dumbbell[3,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 2.5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Triceps Pushdown Video](\nTriceps Pushdown, Cable[4,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 2.5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [*Hanging Leg Raise Video*](\n//\n// *Optional Exercise*\n//\n// *do As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP)*\nHanging Leg Raise, Bodyweight[5,1-8] / ...core: Squat / progress: custom(start:6, target: 30, weeks:8, increment: 2.5kg) { ...t: Crunch }"},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":"// [Barbell Deadlift Video](\nDeadlift[1,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Seated Cable Row Video](\nSeated Row, Cable[2,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / warmup: none / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Lat Pulldown (Medium Grip) Video](\n//\n// Medium Grip\nmediumgrip: Lat Pulldown[3,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Alternating Dumbbell Curl Video](\n//\n// Alternating Dumbell Curl\nBicep Curl, Dumbbell[4,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 2.5kg) { ...t: Lunge }"},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":"// [Seated Barbell Overhead Press Video](\nSeated Overhead Press, Barbell[1,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Close Grip Barbell Bench Press Video](\nBench Press Close Grip[2,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / warmup: none / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise Video](\nLateral Raise[3,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 2.5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Barbell Rear Delt Row Video](\nRear Delt Row, Barbell[4,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 2.5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [*Weighted Sit-Up Video*](\n//\n// *Optional Exercise*\nSit Up, Kettlebell[5,1-8] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 2.5kg) { ...t: Lunge }"},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":"// [Barbell Squat Video](\nlast: Squat[1,1-9] / ...primary: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Leg Curl Video](\nLying Leg Curl[2,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Dumbbell Lunge, In-Place Video](\nLunge, Dumbbell[3,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }\n// [Barbell Hip Thrust Video](\nHip Thrust[4,1-9] / ...accessory: Squat / update: custom() { ...t: Lunge } / progress: custom(failure: 0, increment: 5kg) { ...t: Lunge }"}]},{"name":"Week 2","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":""}]},{"name":"Week 3","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":""}]},{"name":"Week 4","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":""}]},{"name":"Week 5","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":""}]},{"name":"Week 6","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":""}]},{"name":"Week 7","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":""}]},{"name":"Week 8","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 2 - Push","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B","exerciseText":""}]},{"name":"Week 9 - Deload Week","days":[{"name":"Day 1 - Lower Body A Deload","exerciseText":"primary: Squat / used: none / 2x3 / progress: none\naccessory: Squat / used: none / 2x4 / progress: none"},{"name":"Day 2 - Push Deload","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 3 - Pull Deload","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 4 - Upper Body Deload","exerciseText":""},{"name":"Day 5 - Lower Body B Deload","exerciseText":""}]}]},"deletedExercises":[],"exercises":[],"days":[{"name":"Day 1","exercises":[],"id":"ltepiknu"}],"deletedDays":[],"url":"","isMultiweek":false,"name":"Thinner Leaner Stronger (5-day) Phase 5","weeks":[],"nextDay":1,"shortDescription":"","clonedAt":1726738384005,"description":"","id":"amewnpvv","tags":[],"deletedWeeks":[],"author":""},"version":"20250306192146","settings":{"timers":{"warmup":90,"workout":120,"reminder":900},"units":"kg"}},"shouldSyncProgram":false,"isMobile":false,"revisions":[]}