Web Editor

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  • Install Liftosaur app
  • Copy the link to this program by clicking on below
  • Import the link in the app, on the Choose Program screen.
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Week Stats

Total Sets: 72
Strength Sets: 32, 44%
Hypertrophy Sets: 40, 56%
Upper Sets: 56 (16s, 40h), 4d
Lower Sets: 16 (16s), 2d
Core Sets: 0
Push Sets: 31 (16s, 15h), 2d
Pull Sets: 28 (3s, 25h), 3d
Legs Sets: 13 (13s), 2d
Shoulders: 35↓ (10s, 25h), 4d
Triceps: 18↓ (11s, 8h), 2d
Back: 27↓ (10s, 18h), 3d
Abs: 6↑ (6s), 2d
Glutes: 16↓ (16s), 2d
Hamstrings: 12 (12s), 2d
Quadriceps: 12 (12s), 2d
Chest: 22↓ (12s, 10h), 2d
Biceps: 10 (10h), 2d
Calves: 6↑ (6s), 2d
Forearms: 9↑ (2s, 8h), 2d